Why Give First 100 Spots Away At $1 For Every New Course?

So why is it?

Don’t worry today I’m going to break that down for you.

In this video we will cover:

  1. Enzlo’s New Video Couse Platform
  2. Benefits Of $1 Promo For Educators & Students
  3. How To Quickly Grow Your Course
  4. How You Can Take Advantage $1 Promos
  5. What To Do If You Want To Make A Course

Sounds like a lot to cover but it’s all jam-packed in this video @ under 9 minutes.

Remember, to quickly grow your course you need to get momentum and solid reviews. By giving away 100 spots essentially for free you are not devaluing your course but making it more credible when you actually promote it down the road.

I hope you enjoy and find the info helpful.

Like always please leave a comment below or email me at alex@enzlo.com if you have any questions. I’m always happy to help.